The findings of the present study lend further support to the concept that the entire anal canal should be preserved.
The finding lent support to complaints by allies of Walter Reich, the museum's former director.
The finding lent support to backers of voucher programs at a time when they have become an election-year issue.
Such contradictory findings do not immediately lend themselves to providing a basis for a programme of legislative reform.
These findings lent support to the idea that biodiversity is valuable.
The finding lends support to the theory that the red planet might once have been hospitable to life.
The findings lend support to the theory that smokers, like drug addicts, are "medicating" themselves.
And they suggest that the findings lend more support to the idea that life might exist elsewhere in the solar system.
The findings, which appear in the current issue of the journal Science, lend insight into the nature of human movement.
The findings, they said, lend weight to arguments that states should make mandatory seat belt laws tougher.