The commission's gravest findings have involved deaths on the company's watch, mostly of people who had not been convicted of anything.
The finding involved only a rare condition found in Pakistan, not the more common types of baldness.
The earlier findings involved a study of water pollution and cancer in Woburn, Mass.
But doctors seldom test for the gene, in part because the finding involves relatively few patients.
The most convincing findings for the benefits of acupuncture presented to the panel involved the areas described below.
The finding, from a new study by the World Health Organization, involved 399 couples in nine countries.
The other finding involves self-efficacy, the belief that one can succeed at a task.
The published findings involved women in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
The second finding involves managers' increasing difficulty in beating the market as they have more cash to invest.
Airy's findings involved an integral that was awkward to evaluate.