The finding fits in with a growing body of data indicating that some people inherit a propensity to abuse alcohol.
The findings, the researchers said, fit well with previous work showing that overconfidence is a common human trait.
When the findings fit, the pattern is confirmed.
And these findings fit with others that give a positive picture of the long-term impact of early day care.
Dr. Ward said the finding fits in logically with what is known about the development of the central nervous system.
This finding fits with a long-known fact about migraines: they tend to be inherited.
These findings fit to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia.
The findings, he said, fit with a simple observation that suggests friction cannot be the one and only explanation of slipperiness.
The finding fits with earlier US research which found that people using instant messaging don't lose their ability to spell.
Some, however, wondered whether the findings from this study fit the average American family.