This finding substantially extended the geographical range of these animals and has raised new questions about the worldwide distribution and great taxonomic diversity they achieved within a relatively short time.
The finding that these standard fluorescent molecules can be used extends the applicability of the SPMD method to numerous research fields in biophysics, cell biology and medicine.
These findings extended their known range westward, suggesting they are able to survive and breed in degraded woodlands and scrub that previously supported moist subtropical semideciduous forest.
The new findings, in contrast, confirm and extend those from a report, published four years ago and also based on this study of nurses, about the risk of trans fats.
Our findings extend those of previous studies that did not focus on the iridocorneal angle or did not study its development to maturity [ 22, 23, 24, 25, 26].
The new finding extends the fast growing body of knowledge about stem cells, the long hidden source of the body's ability to renew and repair its tissues.
The new findings extend in a scientific way earlier observations of a link between lead exposure and delinquent, violent or criminal behavior.
Recent findings demonstrated that subitizing and counting are not restricted to visual perception, but also extend to tactile perception (when observers had to name the number of stimulated fingertips).
These findings confirm earlier clinical reports on the effects of sleep deprivation and extend them to include naturalistic sleep in a large, community-based population.
Yes: the 2002 incident involves only the boy described as "Victim 2"; the findings extend to "Victim 8."