But the finding nonetheless adds weight to the idea that controlling crime requires much more than longer sentences.
Now, the contradictory findings of two grand juries have added to the confusion, they say.
The findings add weight to previous studies over several decades that have shown a link between schizophrenia and season or place of birth.
The findings add to the debate over whether the government should ban prescribing the pills to children.
But if borne out, the findings would add to the evidence in favor of high cigarette taxes.
But the findings may add fuel to the national debate about whether the current drive to cut hospital costs is affecting patient care.
The finding adds yet another reason to control high blood pressure, which is already known to be a risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
The finding adds to a growing body of evidence that may help explain why clusters like this do not make new stars.
The findings add to evidence contradicting earlier research that seemed to find a link between depression and cancer, he said.
The findings add to the growing evidence for the health consequences of day-to-day events.