Radin offered Greenberger (aka Jacobs) a $50,000 finders fee for her efforts which she found unsatisfactory.
Unfortunately he's demanding a £15 finders fee before returning it.
In New York City, they appear to collect finders fees from American mafiosos and businessmen for guiding Japanese tourists to gambling establishments, both legal and illegal.
Millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars, were funneled into finders fees, commissions and other under-the-table transactions.
The IIG offers a $50,000 prize and a $5,000 finders fee if a claimant can prove a paranormal claim under 2 scientifically controlled tests.
"And since you two will receive thirty percent finders' fees for locating the Mouths for the navy, I wish you good hunting."
The federal government has sometimes agreed to negotiate sometimes negotiating a small finders fee for large meteorites, but has never agreed to pay anything resembling full market value of the meteorite to the discoverer.
"You can keep half of it as a finders fee. "
The bribe would come from what that person was paid, of course they would skim off the rest for themselves, as their finders fee for managing the business.
On May 4, Skylink generously offered one of its directors a finders fee of 400,000 Skylink shares should he locate a promising business for Skylink to buy.