A few early studies, involving children receiving psychiatric treatment, found troubled youngsters who grew into troubled adolescents.
In aggressively seeking out people eligible for the new children's health program, states invariably find other youngsters who qualify for Medicaid, so Medicaid costs tend to increase.
The program began with visits to elementary schools to find talented youngsters to attend after-school and weekend classes.
A kind of "Candid Camera" with children, the new program ventures almost anywhere you might find youngsters in potentially provocative situations.
To achieve that, we often find youngsters who are going in 100 different directions, in school, in extracurricular activities.
She said she has frequently found youngsters from the program playing at gatherings in local churches.
American/Middle Eastern clubs that cannot be bothered to find local youngsters to develop and just buy in teenagers from Argentina, Brazil, etc.
Later, as a teacher, he would find Spanish-speaking youngsters and, recalling their faces, he observes that "you never forget what poverty and hatred can do."
During a visit to an orphanage the other day, he found youngsters who knew of his every recent move, sometimes to his embarrassment.