Wandering farther south, where Columbia Street meets Gowanus Bay, a visitor can find other vestiges of the vintage New York waterfront.
But daytime visitors can find vestiges of the scene that produced countless rap legends.
One could find vestiges of the old Spanish fort near the mission at its location at the end of the 19th century.
Walk around the old port to find vestiges of the traditional lifestyle.
Look carefully at "Fieldhands" and "Plantation Dances" in the "Americana Suite" and you will find vestiges of folk forms, some danced with very different accents than those used by whites.
"During his journey he seized the opportunity to make a detour to Birka, which is now reduced to loneliness so that one can hardly find vestiges of the city; therefore impossible to come upon the tomb of the holy Archbishop Unni."
Still, you'll find vestiges of a vibrant past, including evocative castle ruins and churches with extraordinary displays of Portuguese glazed tiles.
In ancient laws and legends and in the beliefs of isolated tribes or communities, they found vestiges of an earlier matriarchal stage of human civilization centered on worship of a mother goddess.
Even in a world of security scares and lost luggage, it's possible to find vestiges of the golden age of travel.
As the tireless McGilchrist roamed from island to island, he kept finding vestiges of Homeric heroes - such as the Greek archer Philoctetes, who was marooned on a small island for 10 years.