In comparison, the same study found that married women lean Republican by 52 percent to 40 percent.
The survey found an average annual decline of 1 percent to 2 percent a year.
Another study of hospital patients in the same period found an increase to 18 percent, from zero.
The study also found only a slight increase in the percentage of people who did not have permanent housing, from 23 percent to 27 percent.
No primary site is found in 15 percent to 25 percent of such cases.
Tobacco use among teenagers declined the most, the survey found, to 26.4 percent from 30.5.
But last year the bureau also found a significant increase in the poverty rate for black married couples, to 13 percent from 11 percent.
Largely as a result, late trading found the discount rate on 90-day Treasury bills up 22 basis points, to 7.86 percent.
The survey also found a slight increase in smoking among women, to 23.5 percent from 22.8 percent.
E-mail addresses can usually be found for 10 percent to 20 percent of the voter file.