The group had no trouble finding scientists who were eager to work with them.
Here you will find researchers, students, scientists, business investment professionals, and policy makers all within the same community.
The survey also found younger scientists to be "substantially more likely than their older counterparts to say they believe in God".
It might be better said that questions find scientists.
The problem is that you wouldn't find enough serious scientists who are critics to make up that 40%.
Indeed, it is common to find bright scientists who are incapable of putting together an English sentence.
He raised money, enlisted the support of drug companies and laboratories, and found scientists who would accept his financial help to work on the disease.
In local school board battles, members of the center will find such scientists in the community to testify.
On the other hand, it is hard to find scientists who are not potentially conflicted by their financial interests in these companies.
Beck soon found other scientists who had changed their view or were "hidden" creationists.