The California data found residues in 31 percent of the conventional food and 6.5 percent in the organic.
Consumer Union tests found residues on 79 percent of the conventional samples and 27 percent on the organic.
Backing the theory is the fact that the FBI found residues of RDX, the same explosive that would have been used in a bomb like this.
The greasy-gray debris - in which New York State environmental officials have found residues of the pesticide dieldrin - is piled to the ceiling.
We can find quadratic residues or verify them using the above formula.
As he suspected, Vander found significant residues in the gun cabinet, but no blood anywhere else in the house.
He may find residues.
One should not be surprised to find hardy residues of these sentiments among traditional conservation groups.
We will not find residues in the food that comes in.
Moreover, since PETN is usually a key component of a detonator, not a main explosive charge, they had expected to find residues of bomb chemicals as well.