They found few interesting minerals, but discovered 3 or 4 new species of plants.
Linnaeus' hope was to find new plants, animals and possibly valuable minerals.
They were able to use advanced technology to find, develop and extract valuable minerals on a scale unequaled until the Middle ages.
Can you imagine when we find minerals in space that are so rare that everyone is doing everything they can to get them?
They may have more added nutrients, but you can find the same vitamins and minerals in low-calorie foods.
It is not known if the mining company expected to find minerals of value in the cave or just planned on developing it for tours.
They found no more minerals of any kind and they came at last to the place where they had seen the smoke or vapor.
Mineralogists can help find important minerals in the Earth using what they know and learn.
When you found coal and minerals, they gave you transport, power, energy.
Serious efforts are underway to find minerals in the area.