We've gathered 10 movies that many historians find insufferable and others just find laughable.
With a look of stupefied amazement which, at another time I would have found laughable, he obeyed.
"I find that laughable and sort of endearing when people in New York or L.A. think they're the center of the universe," she said.
Ross actually tried aspirin for the pain, a notion that Davette, in her newfound insight, found laughable, ludicrous almost beneath contempt.
They keep it on under their kilts, making a show which a Hellene finds somewhat laughable; much cry and little wool, as the saying goes.
"But if you do something she finds laughable, she'll leave you alone, don't you think?"
He likes Versace suits for formal occasions, but finds laughable the idea of needing to wear a suit to be taken seriously.
As a "Yank", I find that very laughable and typical of British condescension towards us.
But never the ordinary English cooking that so many find so laughable.
The fellow stopped, one leg pushed slightly forward in a pose which, in other circumstances, I would have found laughable.