The talks come as Congress finds itself in the last few weeks of its legislative calendar.
That the famous "rough rider" will find plenty of sport in the next three weeks goes without saying.
As investors try to find their footing in the next few weeks, he said, "emotions can get to us before fundamentals prevail."
Norman Schwarzkopf must be the only man on earth who thinks they are going to find something in the next six weeks.
Mr. Horan said the agency had found new cases of apparently deficient care in the last several weeks.
He also said a solution could be found in the next three weeks.
And we are going to need every scrap of support we can find in the coming weeks.
I hope a solution can be found in the coming weeks.
He may find, in the final weeks of this campaign, that the most important quality he can draw upon is the courage to be himself.
Now, we should understand each other: a number of men all around the world have been found dead in the last few weeks.