Their tools have been found in the quarry, next to two hundred unfinished statues, some of which measure sixty-six feet long.
In 1976, another new dinosaur was described from fossils found in the quarry by Madsen.
In 1874, a number of fossil crinoids were found in the local quarry.
Court engineers found an appropriate spot in the quarry and designed a tablet that would have been 256 feet high.
Pieces of the skull, evidently abandoned by the 1915 crew, were found in the quarry.
Hale described briefly what had been found in the quarry.
He paused and went on: "The car's been found in the quarry.
This dinosaur was found in the same quarry as Utahraptor, the largest known dromaeosaurid.
Historically, various tribes would travel long distances to acquire the special red-colored stone found in the quarry.
That big crystal up there - that was found in the quarry half a mile down our little road here.