The manuscript was found in the monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai, after which it was named and where it remains to this day.
The Turks left again after destroying icons and other sacred objects that they found in the monastery.
Devastated, Lucio soon fled the college and disappeared, until Ripa found him in the monastery of Monte Cassino the following spring.
I would take pleasure in destroying such superstitious and dangerous symbols as will certainly be found in the monastery of St. Frumentius.
He must search the area for other valuables and translate any inscriptions or engravings that you find in the monastery.
According to documents found in the monastery at Gerode, Holungen was founded between 531 and 800.
The manuscript was found in 1847 in the monastery at Nitrian Desert and brought to London.
Another museum can be found in the monastery in Moerzeke.
The monastery is also famous because of its intricate wood carvings that you would find in the monastery.
They found their last resting-place in the monastery of Konradsdorf, where the family had made many donations.