Some security web sites maintain lists of currently known unpatched vulnerabilities found in common programs (see "External links" below).
Basically, flat-file data bases, the kind found most often in integrated programs, can draw information from one file at a time.
We've found documents in other programs going back to the late 1950's.
An active laity found purpose in myriad programs.
But until recently, those features were not easy to find in most set-up programs, let alone activate.
These products can save you money, although individual features aren't always as effective as those found in dedicated standalone programs.
The audit found "many substantial lapses or absences in systems and programs that should support pipeline operations."
The Republicans would keep costs in line by finding fat in Federal programs, though the contract does not say where.
An earlier, smaller bill for Hurricane Hugo relief was complicated by the need to find cuts in other programs.
In addition to the Finance Committee, seven other panels have been trying to reduce the deficit by finding savings in programs under their jurisdiction.