The creative current, which included extravagant components, such as the Indiani Metropolitani movement, found themselves in a minority.
He then headed to Minnesota to attend Carleton College, again finding himself in a small racial minority.
The Government found itself not in a majority of 87 but in a minority of 92.
Dunning a few weeks later proposed an address to the king requesting him not to dissolve the parliament; he found himself in a minority of 51.
Then he will find himself in a minority when the articles come out to-morrow.
Upper schools are a type of secondary school found in a minority of English local education authorities.
Those nationalists who wanted a secular and democratic republic in Iran found themselves in a minority after the Revolution.
The hard-headed man looked dubiously round, but finding himself in a minority, assumed a compassionate air and said no more.
I favored an aggressive business plan, but soon found myself in a minority.
Washington officials who recognized that the internment camps violated the Constitution found themselves in a tiny minority.