"They'd be found in a band around the entire moon."
"Or that your laboratory has found traces of a certain substance, in a band half an inch wide, encircling the neck of the bottle."
In the summer of 2007, Mark and Gavin found themselves simultaneously no longer in a band.
It is usually found in a 20-kilometre wide band following the eastern coastline of Australia.
Other reservoirs are more limited geographically; for example, the raccoon rabies virus variant is only found in a relatively narrow band along the East Coast.
But just as some children find their niche in the Boy Scouts or a marching band, Sam and Sarah have found theirs as film connoisseurs.
The frass is found in a broad band.
It is found in a northern band (around Wunsiedel) and southern band (at Marktredwitz and Arzberg).
It is found in a band across Africa between the Sahara and the Equator.
They are found in a band around the equator and cover 6% of the Earth's surface.