With a master's in education, he found a job teaching kindergarten at a new church-run school in Queens.
Later, they said they had found a 7,000-vote error in the results in Queens.
It found a one-room apartment in Queens and paid the $430 for rent and a security deposit.
Three bags containing parts of a man's body were found outside an industrial park on Friday morning in Queens, the police said yesterday.
When companies need 100,000 square feet or more, he said, they have trouble finding it in Queens.
"We're going to re-create it in an area that we found in Queens."
The building, across the street from the parking lot of a large Alexander's store, has been finding its buyers mostly in Queens.
But she quickly found her social network through three senior centers in Queens.
She found a place in Queens, where she and her daughter still live.
The authorities were trying to identify two bodies found yesterday in Harlem and Queens.