There are many firms trying to adjust to new economic circumstances and global competition, striving to find new efficiencies.
As a nation, our government continues to look for ways to reduce spending and find efficiencies within the U.S. Department of Defense.
Click here to share your ideas for finding efficiencies in State government or you can tell us about your idea to cut red tape.
Republicans insist that states, which would assume more control over this 30-year-old Government insurance program under these budgets, could live with them by finding greater efficiencies.
"I think you would find an overwhelming consensus that a bureaucracy that has $7.5 billion can find efficiencies of 1 percent," he said.
But it may have to find better ways of cutting costs and finding efficiencies than offering an inferior shopping experience.
This is why the Tories have started talking about offering bonuses to public-sector managers who can find real efficiencies and savings.
He believes the states will "innovate, find efficiencies and provide better service at lower cost."
Pentagon and military officials have resisted calls to increase the size of the Army, saying they would rather find efficiencies elsewhere in the service first.
He emphasizes the need to set priorities, and to work with the city's employees to find efficiencies if they are to make more money.