Nevertheless, he found time during the first ten years at Hudson to publish five articles, mostly on the accuracy of measurements.
There, this awkward adolescent found her footing during the three years she described as the happiest of her life.
It is unclear how much gold the 988-ton dredge actually found during the five years it was used.
Since then, we have found evidence for the use of saffron in the treatment of about 90 illnesses during the past 4,000 years.
The faithful began to visit, in pilgrimage, to the place with the image was found during the first years of the 16th century.
Palmer said he had found new focus after a string of setbacks during the past two years.
It may have been easier to find black orchestra musicians during the years of institutionalized racism than it is now.
Anna and Barth could find little during the years Martha held the land for her son.
Ahmed Abdi Edan, 30, said he could never find work during the years of war.
No evidence for human mutagenicity and carcinogenity has been found during the long years of clinical experience.