I can't find any damage apart from superficial scratches and bruises.
He could find no cuts, bruises, burns, or even needle marks.
I didn't feel anything at the time, but found bruises on my arms after I returned to Beijing.
He raised a shaking hand to his throat, expecting to find bruises.
At this level, he also found bruises and a cracked rib, all of which would resolve on their own.
The scars were all there, but I couldn't find any new cuts or bruises.
She adjusted the pack on her back, wincing as she found new bruises.
The teacher found an ugly welt, as well as bruises under the girl's eye and on her arms.
In 1994, the children were removed again when caseworkers found bruises and scratches on Daytwon's face.
He stood up and checked himself over, finding only bumps and bruises.