The firearms research has found, among other things, that guns kill more teen-agers, white and black, than all natural diseases combined.
An internal investigation has found, among other things, that executives improperly recorded payments from suppliers ahead of schedule.
This new link also connects the industrial area in the northwest, in which are found, among other things, Federal authorities.
A study from 1993 found, among other things, that about 40% of pupils in Qur'anic schools were girls.
They find, among other things, the cave of the thousand sleeping bears, but they aren't hurt.
Do you suppose that what is one is ever to be found among nonexisting things?
The study found, among other things, that many foundations make sizable payments for little work.
You'll find them in barbecue igniters and loudspeakers, among other things.
This guidance or influence may be found among persons, places, things, and actions.
There you will be able to find, among other things: