If that has resonances of childhood which the very old, whose full circle is nearly complete, find agreeable, so be it.
All four accept the validity of the others and a Muslim may choose any one that he or she finds agreeable.
"There is one thing I find agreeable about you," she conceded.
Cutting $135 billion in taxes for more than 50 million Americans is something politicians find agreeable.
Helen now had a pattern of life that she and Polly found agreeable.
Victoria lent him her shoulder to lean on, a situation which they both seemed to find highly agreeable.
For a start it's got a village atmosphere which I must say we find rather agreeable.
In an environment that the plant found agreeable, it reached the size of a small tree.
Just not in a capacity he will find very agreeable.
What these holy bards said, all sane men found agreeable and true.