Within that 28 degrees, one finds about 30 percent of the world's population.
After extensive testing, no organic reason can be found in about 30 percent of people who report chest pain.
Chrysler now finds itself with a falling share of the United States car market, about 10.3 percent.
He found an area with a down-home, rural flavor and about 30 percent of the voters in his new district.
You can actually find fossils on about ten percent of settled worlds!
The second time I played the game I found about 80 percent was the same, even with all the variations.
Rainforest used to cover much of the area but now are only found in about four percent of the entire state.
But a "reasonable cause" for a harassment complaint is found in about 5 percent of the cases, and a hearing follows.
This practice is found in about 69 percent of the world's cultures that have been described ethnographically.
The advice is based on a clinical trial that found significant enzyme elevations in about 3 percent of patients.