"You would have to travel the whole world over to find a greater contrast to the Scotch than these same Indians," the young trader wrote home.
If she reaches the Olympic final, it would be hard to find a sharper contrast anywhere in the Olympics among athletes of West and East.
A recent lunchtime stroller found a striking contrast of glitz and tranquillity in Sony's neighborhood.
Hercules had only one living relative, and it would have been hard to find a greater contrast than Aunt Henrietta.
One good thing about California is that it doesn't take long to find a complete contrast.
It is not hard to find convenience stores and shopping centers here that stay open all day, a contrast from 10 to 12 years ago.
"Comparing things to this time a year ago, it is kind of hard to find a more dramatic contrast."
Again viewers could find a contrast to the gap-riddled testimony of his accuser.
It would be difficult to find a greater contrast than that presented by the works of Savery and Everdingen.
Always remembering that such a creative artisan was fortunate to find a suitable contrast of shoulder and hip to wear his inspiration.