He rang the bell, and a messenger was dispatched to find Mason.
Shannow paid the man and returned to the hotel where he found Mason sitting in a comfort chair by an open window, dozing in the sun.
I found Mason, bandaged the great gash along the side of his head and propped him up.
It died for me the moment I found Mason in her bed.
They hang up, and Cross is told that his men have found Mason in the truck outside.
Stan and Ollie has been given ordersfrom Morgan to find Mason, who they have lost.
They rush down to the basement and find Mason and his men trying to get escape the lions.
Damon tells Jules she won't find Mason and to leave town.
She had been in touch with Axel Chan from the moment she found Mason on the trail.
Beth had recovered from her surprise at finding Mason at her door, and stepped to her side as he walked in.