The difficult decisions made to cut programming that was not financially sustainable.
The clubs hoped to provide a more financially sustainable league than its predecessor with a greater number of British trained players taking part.
I look forward to taking what I've learned back to Washington as we work to create a financially sustainable future for our country.
This is their main ambition for the future, along with being financially sustainable.
It aims to become financially sustainable in the short term, obtaining subsidies justified by their social utility.
Several law schools are permitted to enroll 40 students per year, which is far below the financially sustainable number.
The move was taken because the department was judged by the University to be not financially sustainable.
Starting from January 2011, we must therefore set priorities and make them financially sustainable for the years to come.
By this time it was clear to the editors that 291 was not sustainable financially, and they appeared to be running out of energy.
The goal is to make financially sustainable schools where everybody is somebody.