The true pollution of the media environment occurs when the editors, publishers and producers of serious content are constantly on notice that they will be financially damaged if they dare to shock a few readers or serve up "controversy."
Including a strong reminder that major league baseball clubs engaged in "conspiratorial conduct," an arbitrator awarded $10.5 million yesterday to players he said were financially damaged for the 1986 season as a result of the owners' collusion.
An arbitrator awarded the $10.5 million to those he said were financially damaged for the 1986 season as a result of collusion by major league team owners.
What sets them apart is that they may be at the vanguard of a new class of courtroom confrontation: shareholders claiming to have been financially damaged by corporations that have failed to disclose environmental problems.
"When you are out of work, you are damaged financially and psychologically for quite a while," he said.
He was known for his passion for horse-racing and gambling, and this had financially damaged him.
Basil J. Schwan, the assistant executive officer of investment operations at Calpers, said the fund had not been damaged financially by any of the actions that Salomon has admitted.
Union leaders said they were concerned that The News and The Times, which have also been financially damaged by the slowdown in the regional economy, would seek any concessions granted at The Post.
While all franchises were financially damaged by this trend, those that catered to smaller populations were damaged the most.
Mr. Frank asserted that "Israel has not been damaged financially" by the defeat of such bills on the floor because a separate bill is later adopted providing Israel with the same amount of money.