With Mr. D'Amato almost certain to enjoy a huge fund-raising advantage over any opponent, the candidates are looking to turn his financial prowess against him.
William's mercantile and financial prowess raised his family from relative obscurity to one of the primary families of the realm in a single generation.
Market talk is largely a celebration of private success and by implication a boast about one's financial prowess.
While Erdemir is making money, some critics say its financial prowess has been wildly exaggerated.
But the book is at its best talking about Yasuhiro himself, a man whose financial prowess was exceeded only by his enormous sexual appetites.
With each deal, Mr. Knapp grew gutsier, and his financial prowess became legendary.
Mr. Ides sees the paperweight as more than just an inanimate testament to its owner's financial prowess, either real or imagined.
Morgan redefined conservatism in terms of financial prowess coupled with strong commitments to religion and high culture.
Utilizing the company's new financial prowess, Calandra oversaw considerable expansion of the company and constructed two new facilities.
Hanson has some tremendous financial prowess and capability.