The restaurant is not closed, but it is in financial peril, losing something like $30,000 a month, according to court papers.
More companies, in the United States and elsewhere, have realized that they overlook women at their own financial peril.
This led to rumours of more financial peril just three seasons after the new club formed.
Ecclestone, the sport's 80 year-old chief executive, can also see the financial perils of calling off the race.
Sadly, the project is in some financial peril.
Starting a new magazine can be an endeavor fraught with financial peril.
To add to the uncertainty, campaigns often do not seek loans until they are in financial peril.
The financial peril that the developing countries of the world are facing today has its roots in this problem.
But today, the airline is in financial peril again.
Any recession that caused steel prices to plunge could put the company once again in financial peril, analysts say.