They have drawn together financial officials and bankers from around the world.
On Tuesday, some of the nation's top financial officials called on the central bank not to move too quickly and to follow the government's lead.
Of concern to European financial officials was the fact that such large loans represent a change in the fund's lending policy.
The responsible economic and financial officials of all three countries meet frequently and have made these points, endlessly.
The meetings will bring together about 13,000 bankers and financial officials from 151 countries.
Germany's top financial officials also share this view, but the country's aid officials are more sympathetic toward the plan.
The total interest payments could be expected to run to about $1 billion a year, a financial official in Cairo estimated.
Verizon officials will meet with financial officials today to assess the problems and possible ways to increase service quickly.
"Clearly some things are off the track in Brazil," said a senior financial official, who asked not to be identified.
The new statement from the two financial officials holds open that possibility, but in no way goes beyond it.