The real show is direct control of communities through financial manipulation and subversion of democracy.
The same guys who were killing each other a few years ago are now involved in financial manipulation, which is more pleasant and more profitable.
The idea that those that earn the most pay the most tax has become a myth in our global economy and clever financial manipulation.
The Occupy movement will I hope draw enough attention to shine a light on that little convoluted web of global financial manipulation.
Investigators are exploring General Re in connection with possible financial manipulation at some of the world's largest and most prestigious insurers.
The colonels are afraid of financial manipulations, most military people are.
People are seeing that the trade deficit isn't yielding to the financial manipulation of lowering the dollar.
There is an aesthetic appeal to a really splendid piece of financial manipulation to which these gentlemen are fully sensitive.
Thomas Jefferson saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption.
And last weekend the national organization's new management released a report that outlined an extensive pattern of financial manipulation over a five-year period.