In the Gulf of Mexico, shrimp fishermen are struggling with a jellyfish boom that fills nets with slimy gelatin and financial ledgers with millions of dollars in losses.
Less money is being seen in the financial ledgers of the Atlanta organizing committee, which last week forecasted a nearly break-even budget rather than the large surplus it had originally predicted.
Buoyed by a robust economy and healthy local tax base, Mr. McGreevey never had to sweat to put the financial ledgers in order, records show.
The Gottis claim that even though their association with Mr. McGriff, a drug lord known as Supreme, gave them credibility in the world of hip-hop, their reputations and financial ledgers are clean.
'So Rebecca's lying when she says you have the financial ledgers and a couple of files out of the security cupboard, is she?'
Nothing those episodes do in the ratings will make any real difference in the show's financial ledger.
Advisers to Dr. Dean said they had not reviewed the financial ledgers; that was expected to be among their first steps once they move in Monday morning.
Strachey immediately grills Ann as to why Resuto would be getting $14,000, the largest of the payments made out to anyone in Rutka's financial ledger.
IN his first courtroom appearance as counsel, Wayne E. Anderson objected when the opposing counsel presented a financial ledger as evidence.
When Exxon and Mobil merge their financial ledgers, executives plan to use an accounting method that will leave no trace of a premium of more than $50 billion that Exxon has agreed to pay.