This was also a critical financial move in the history of the school as it saved it from financial insolvency.
Despite their successful record, the franchise was plagued by low attendance and financial insolvency.
This led to reductions in state subsidies and financial insolvency for many Histadrut-backed firms.
And because of this financial insolvency, no later than next summer, it will fail to meet payroll.
The Panic of 1893 crashed the market, brought the country into depression that lasted years, and nearly brought the university to financial insolvency.
Without its two largest states, the Federation was doomed to financial insolvency.
The song tells the narrative of a woman who is complaining about her partner's apparent financial insolvency.
This happened due to the financial insolvency of the initial company.
However, due to the series' financial insolvency, none of the originally scheduled races actually took place.
He went on to study and graduate from the Layton School of Art, which closed due to financial insolvency in 1974.