This revenue would have given the county the financial capacity to issue new bonds to help resolve its problems.
The government has as much financial capacity as is required.
You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them.
However, these utilities remain weak in terms of financial capacity.
Such an event can cause significant losses beyond the insurer's financial capacity.
He said: "We simply do not have the capacity, either financial or physical, to look after 13,900 patients in a short period of time.
With no financial capacity to defend herself and people to turn to, how can Mia ever even survive this?
Countries are also encouraged to develop higher levels of social protection in line with their needs, preferences, and financial capacities.
The church is committed towards helping students who has the stuff with them, but don't have enough financial capacity to complete studies.
To have competence must mean having the financial capacity necessary to confront it.