To finance pensions fully this year, Chrysler plans to contribute $1.8 billion, on top of $700 million set aside in the first quarter.
Previously, the company planned to contribute $600 million more in 1994, and to finance pensions fully by the end of 1995.
An economic slowdown added to unemployment and strained the state's ability to finance pensions and other social benefits.
That proportion will almost double by 2030, while lower birth rates leave an ever-dwindling pool of workers to finance pensions through social security contributions.
Still others propose more radical alternatives, such as imposing a surcharge on imports to finance private pensions.
And agencies insist that models are independent contractors who should finance their own health insurance and pensions.
If trends continue, he added, "only a small percentage of people are going to be able to finance meaningful pensions.
A successful employment strategy makes it easier to finance pensions, but pension reforms can create employment incentives.
I think the core issue is: how are Member States going to finance adequate pensions for their citizens?
Labor, caught unequipped with any credible approach to the problem of how to finance pensions, turned it to their political advantage.