How to finance health care is only one side of the problem.
It created a new program to finance health care for low-income children last year.
At least six states plan to publish reports on new ways to finance such care.
The legislation would also provide $16 billion over the next five years to help states finance health care for uninsured children.
A better solution is to finance basic health care for all, no questions asked, the way most civilized countries do.
Hospitals say they can ill afford to finance free health care.
The Republican plan would give states $16 billion over the next five years to finance health care and health insurance for children.
Each state would receive a lump sum of Federal money to finance such care.
"There's enough money in the system today to finance needed health care, if we control the system," she said.
Medicaid spending, to finance health care for low-income people, rose 28 percent, to $52.5 billion.