CFO magazine recently asked 227 finance executives how their work lives had changed in the last two years.
Since March, five finance executives have either resigned or been replaced.
Never will he let a finance executive (or even his boss under the influence of one) impose a budget on him.
By July, the firm's condition had worsened, but the bonuses kept going up, with the corporate finance executives getting about $16.3 million that month.
"I remember seeing him in his office that day," said one former finance executive.
Once in the United States, he worked as a finance executive for several multinational corporations.
Cassie is set to be "an attractive former finance executive looking for a quieter life."
The next day, he arrived at company headquarters here to find finance executives shredding documents.
As demand for top finance executives rises, so does their compensation.
Her character 'Cassie' is described as "an attractive former finance executive looking for a quieter life."