Yes; in the richest nation in the world, the question shouldn't be if, but how to finance decent universal coverage fairly and efficiently.
The majority would require employers to provide health insurance for employees and their children or to pay a new tax to finance coverage under a public program.
Under the Edwards plan, employers would have to cover their employees or pay into a fund that would finance coverage.
Governor Clinton does not say exactly how he would finance coverage for people who are not employed.
But hardly anyone believes that such savings would finance expanded coverage for all who need it.
The shuffle of cash needed to finance vastly extended coverage, he says, is largely hidden in the fine print.
State officials said the bill could deprive them of tax revenue used to finance coverage for people who cannot obtain affordable health insurance in the private market.
He believes any dividends from cost containment will be used to finance coverage for the 35 million people who now lack it.
A more equitable way to finance universal coverage would be progressive taxation, with those who can afford more paying more.
This "reinsurance pool" would finance coverage for people who cannot now obtain it.