American households, on the other hand, used funds borrowed from foreigners to finance consumption or to bid up the prices of housing and financial assets.
They also count on people to finance consumption by continuing to extract equity from their homes, which are still rising in value.
In other words, the value of a share comes from its ability to pay dividends, because it is dividends that finance consumption.
European banks made risky loans to finance real estate speculation and excessive consumption.
Only 16 percent of the money was used to finance consumption.
At no time has credit been more available, whether to finance consumption or for investors to use for leverage.
But the fact is we are financing consumption rather than investment.
Debt was to be avoided and not used to finance consumption, but only when in need.
Determine whether any public debt is being used to finance consumption, which includes all social assistance and all military spending.
Home equity could be a resource with which to finance consumption in old age.