The Global Environmental Facility, a joint enterprise of the United Nations and the bank, will also be used to finance conferences on global environmental concerns.
He added that Mr. Moon financed only large conferences.
An Educational Fund This month the Government also created a $75 million fund to finance international educational conferences, academic exchanges and other activities.
Mr. Wunderman, who is 50 years old, says he has spent several hundred thousand dollars helping to finance performances, exhibitions and conferences on Cocteau taking place throughout this year, the centennial of Cocteau's birth.
The California State Board of Education endorsed ebonics in 1991, and the State Department of Education has financed research institutes and conferences that have studied the subject extensively.
In addition, the foundation has provided significant and often substantial research grants to finance conferences and assist with published studies, as well as funding departments and programs, to a vast range of foreign policy and educational organizations, including:
Khaled has also attracted the attention of a number of multinational corporations that have financed individual conferences and projects his nonprofit organization has set up.
However, I should say editors gain no financial benefit from sales, all monies helping finance further publications and conferences, including bursaries to classroom teachers to attend the next CARN Conference.
The money will be used to create an endowment that can finance children's programs, conferences and other educational outreach efforts.
Beginning in Hungary in 1984, it has financed scholarships and conferences and supported civic activities in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.