With World War II fast approaching, the last of the Insoles - Eric and his mother Jessy - finally vacated the property in March 1938.
The RAN finally vacated the depot in December 1999 with the last ammunition operation conducted over the wharf on 14 December 1999.
In 1937, the New Mexico Supreme Court finally vacated the building it had occupied for its entire history, to move to a new courthouse.
After many years of indecision the Church finally vacated the Palace in 1975.
It was later acquired by the American Woolen Company, and later, by Digital Equipment Corporation, until it finally vacated the location in 2001.
The Indians finally vacated their decrepit and haunted premises in Cleveland last season, and look how the their miserable luck has changed.
The US finally vacated Shamsi on 11 December 2011 with two flights carrying the remaining US soldiers and equipment.
The Bank finally vacated Blythe House in the early 1970s.
With Hughes' action being upheld, Ahearn finally vacated the borough presidency.
He was the natural successor when Rovers' lack of consistency led to Scott finally vacating the manager's chair in December 1947.