It was finally superseded by the M1 Helmet in 1942.
The 4.7 inch calibre was finally superseded by the 4.5 inch calibre on the Z class destroyers in 1943.
Corregimientos were finally superseded following the territorial division of Spain in 1833.
It was finally superseded by the release of the original Motif toolkit under an open-source licence in 2012.
It was expected that Newspeak would have finally superseded Oldspeak (or Standard English, as we should call it) by about the year 2050.
One of the more loquacious and humorous people in the league, Williams's ability to rebound without fear has finally superseded his punch lines.
After finishing the last orders, the Dennis Dragon was finally superseded by low-floor Dennis Trident 3 in 1997.
In 1951, when the first of 70 new R class 4-6-4 express passenger locomotives were introduced, the A2 was finally superseded.
Millions of the machines, perhaps the world's first really practical sewing machine for domestic use, were produced until finally superseded by rotary shuttle machines in the 20th century.
If it happens - and Fred Perry's 1936 US Open title is finally superseded - Murray will have got there the hard way.