Continuing to chant, he peered around and finally spied the pot he had used to mark his beginning point.
Finally spying the solitary light, McCoy set an unyielding course.
He finally spied Harlingen, three blocks from the hotel, entering a subway entrance.
I now looked closely for such a way and finally spying it, dragged myself up to a grassy area fronting deep forest.
She peered through the dark, finally spying the faint outlines of a ship.
He finally spied a young man whose clean-cut appearance marked him as a polo player rather than a lounge lizard.
They plowed on, and in the night they finally spied the gray light of the Wizard's castle.
Having eluded several Indian sentries he finally spies the chest in the hands of the Chief.
On the roof he finally spied a soldier, undoubtedly armed with a crossbow, looking down.
The doctor finally spied Data protecting a group of children who were huddled under a hut.