The Democratic Congress, finally heeding public anger, passed a solid campaign finance reform package and sent it to the President's desk.
After breaking her wrist for the third time, she finally heeded the advice of friends and gave up in-line skating last year.
The Committee finally heeded the criticism and, by 1893, the Sheffield contingent had been reduced with other areas at last being given a greater say.
In 1995, Texas finally heeded his lobbying and made the armadillo its official state small mammal.
Surely the Republicans must finally heed its voice.
Ralston, however, finally heeded the calls for action and declared martial law to protect the city and to force an end to the strike.
And maybe after a couple of drinks, Madeline might finally heed Miss Clavel's call to walk in "two straight lines."
Having ignored the wishes of their own constituents, they must finally heed them.
After several blocks, he finally heeded the pleas and stopped.
I had been hoping Pallotta would finally heed the criticism and make its concept work.