A tiny but persistent movement to rehabilitate him came to fruition in 1988 when, under Mikhail Gorbachev, he was finally exonerated.
After thirty-nine days, the brothers were finally fully exonerated and set free since there was no evidence of their complicity in the crime.
When Dreyfus was finally exonerated, Zola's gesture became part of French history and the tradition of "ecrivains engages" - committed writers - was born.
He was finally exonerated and freed by 1900.
After a protracted battle, Davies was finally exonerated and regained his government clearance in 1969.
According to an article attributed to Spinrad, the book was banned for eight years in Germany, but was finally exonerated after appeals.
Detective Zahrey would spend several humiliating months in jail and his career would be ruined before he was finally exonerated by a jury that took only 10 minutes to reach a verdict.
After three long months in jail he was finally exonerated and released.
Pa is finally exonerated from the accusation, and they can keep the house.
At the time that Sirven was finally exonerated, Voltaire was already 77, making the energy and tenacity of his campaign all the more remarkable.