After six and half century of devastating colonialism Iceland's struggle for independence finally bore fruit in 1918.
These discussions finally bore fruit last fall with Colonel Qaddafi's decision to renounce these weapons.
In 1989, his electoral efforts finally bore fruit.
Lord Gryphon finally bore her off to a private conversation, which seemed to provide some comfort and relief.
That August, Captain Eberle's attempts to bring about a conference finally bore fruit.
Third spluttered a moment longer until it finally bore through to him that his vehemence was jeopardizing his cause.
The village continued in splendid isolation until quite recently, when tunnels were finally bored through the mountains to bring the first roads.
They finally bore fruit in 1444 with a general truce agreed at Tours.
Years of unrewarding sacrifice finally bore fruit with Black demonstrations onto Midwestern White working class neighborhoods.
Her continual work at church alliance building finally bore fruit in an impressive, official way, though she did not live to see it.