Do not come back up, for you are our final weapon and you must not be risked.
Their faith offers us every promise of developing into the final weapon of mass destruction.
Defiance is not particularly adult, Morris, and I do hold the final weapon.
Sam had one final weapon which he intended to deploy in a last-ditch effort to prevent that happening.
The elven-king was bringing one final weapon to bear upon them.
But the ship's navigationals were alive-the ship itself could be used as a final weapon.
Countless minor battles must have occurred before a Slaver-developed final weapon was used.
These replace the final weapons of previous games, which had similar requirements, but are only another more powerful weapon in the game.
This was my final weapon, the ultimate weapon, one that I had never used before.
But in the satellite industry's continuing battle against cable television, local stations may be the final weapon, one too valuable to turn down.